Welcome to Career Outlook dot U S.
This website allows you to obtain and sort various career data, also known as Labor Market Information.
For each state you can select to see a list of careers within one of the 16 career clusters or see a list of the careers in one of the six career interest categories. You can even select one from each menu to cross-reference career clusters and career interests.
Once you have your list of careers, you can change the sort order by selecting one of the column headings.
More information about each career can be found by selecting the name of the career.
Career Information
You can see ALL of the careers by immediately selecting the Search button.
The Career Planning Process
Start with a plan. A Career Plan gets you started on your way to a productive and rewarding career. After assessing your interests and skills, then explore the careers found here at Career Outlook dot U S.
Take a free RIASEC career interest assessment. Then explore careers that match your interests.
Career Clusters
Videos for the 16 career clusters.
We often make presentations about this website at conferences and conventions.
Find the presentation materials here.
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