Career Outlook dot US

Concierges in The United States


Concierges -- Assist patrons at hotel, apartment or office building with personal services. May take messages, arrange or give advice on transportation, business services or entertainment, or monitor guest requests for housekeeping and maintenance.

SOC (Standard Occupational Classification)39-6012.00
Career InterestsSE
Minimum education required(High school)
High school diploma or equivalent
Minimum work experience required(None)
Job training required(Mod OJT)
Moderate-term on-the-job training
Growth Outlook (projected percentage growth in jobs per year from 2018-2028)0.52 (low growth)
Current number of workers in USA (2018)38,200
Projected number of workers in USA (2028)40,200
Average Annual Openings in USA (2018-2028)5,800
Average entry-level annual salary in USA (2019)$22,250
Average annual salary for all workers in USA (2019)$34,290
Average experienced-worker annual salary for all workers in USA (2019)$51,270
Career ClusterHospitality & Tourism
(Hospitalidad y turismo)
Major Occupational GroupPersonal Care and Service

* data not available
Salaries over $208,000 are sometimes shown as >$208,000 rather than the actual salary.

O*NET logo  Concierges
O*NET OnLine includes: Job Titles; Tasks; Knowledge; Skills; Abilities; Work Activities; Work Context; Job Zone; Interests; Work Styles; Work Values; Related Occupations; and Wages & Employment Trends.

Career One Stop logo   Concierges
Career One Stop includes: Occupation Description; State and National Wages; State and National Trends; Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities; Tasks and Activities; Tools and Technology; Education and Training, Related Occupation Profiles, and Web Resources.

Occupational Outlook Handbook logo  Personal Care and Service Occupations
The Occupational Outlook Handbook from the US Department of Labor includes: Nature of the Work; Working Conditions; Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement; Employment; Job Outlook; Earnings; Related Occupations; and Additional Information.

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